PT. Prima Kelola IPB has developed into a management institution that always supports and participates in developing agriculture in a broad sense, especially in Indonesia.

Has a vision to become a professional company that combines IPB's human resource competencies with the application of technology and agricultural business management in the broadest sense. Supported by a mission in the form of "Active participation in increasing the contribution of the agricultural sector to the national economy and community welfare as a form of IPB's care and responsibility as a center of excellence in agriculture".

Prima Kelola has the aim of developing human resources to have analytical and technical skills in the socio-economic-agricultural technology field in a broad sense based on academic and professional abilities.

Prima Kelola is a professional organization that manages the academic and professional abilities of human resources and academic facilities of IPB in partnership for community development, serving professionally the needs of its partners with a professional work system based on an agreement as outlined in the form of a cooperation agreement.

Program activities: in accordance with the vision, mission and objectives, Prima Kelola activities are focused on training, consulting, research, monitoring and evaluation, assistance / mentoring and coaching, especially in human resource development and agro-industrial agribusiness management. Prima Kelola's business field, apart from services, is also in the form of real business.


To become a professional consulting services company of choice by providing reliable and leadling expertise,innovation and technology by 2025




              1. Providing independent and customer oriented expertise,innovation and technology based services.
    1. Provide maximum performance for stakeholders through the company's business growth
    2. Develop a consulting service ecosystem to provide the best consulting service experience for partners.






1 September 1963

On 27 April 1952 the first President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir Soekarno laid down the first stone and on 1 September 1963 the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) was officially established, with the Lecture Center Campus at Jl. Raya Pajajaran.


23 Januari 2001

In accordance with PP. 154 dated 26 December 2000, Bogor Agricultural University has changed its status to a State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN)

As an implementation of the status from IPB to BHMN,
IPB established a company based on the law of the Persero
Limited, namely PT. Prima Kelola Agribusiness Agroindustry.


28 Desember 2015

Based on Deed No. 7, December 28, 2015, with Notary Wahyuni, SH., PT Primak Manajemen Agribisnis Agroindustri has changed its name to PT Prima Kelola IPB and there has been a transfer of shares from the Bogor Agricultural Institute to PT. Bogor Life Science and Technology (as the holding company of IPB)


in 2020 Prima Kelola IPB has transformed by provididng digital services. Through the Prima digiExpert product line, it is that Prima Kelola's services can be more optimal and a wider services area.



Zulhamsyah Imran, Spi, M.Si P.hD

Ir. Sulistianawati, MP