In accordance with VISION to become a professional company that combines the competencies of human resources of IPB with the application of technology and management of agricultural businesses in the broadest sense. Supported by MISSION in the form of "Active participation in increasing the contribution of the agricultural sector to the national economy and public welfare as a form of concern and responsibility of IPB as a center of excellence in agriculture".


From resource planning and conflict management to strategic planning and market research, our experts offer the best advice.


Our customers choose us because we provide leading technology, deliver unmatched services and training, and offer some of the best value in the industry. Over the last decade, our approach to business has helped transform us from a small engineering upstart to a leading global provider.

Basic Competent Expertise
Experienced Expert
Prima Client Service Quality
Professional in Work
Very open for feedback
Flexible with Client's needs
Proven Track Record
Aftersales Service


For the Primakelola team, we always improve the quality and service provided to us, we thank you for holding this event.


I am very happy to participate in the Pre-service Debriefing Training, the material that I think is very inspiring is the Entrepreneurship material. The knowledge we get is very useful, and the facilitators are friendly, and kind.


The training that was held was very good, starting from the health side, psychology side, financial side, and the material was also good; from Psychology Materials with the discussion of Post Power Syndrome, after holding this training we, Insha Allah, we are ready.


Thank you for holding the event smoothly and safely, everyone, it was very memorable, and made me happy.


Alhamdulillah, there are many useful things for us, towards retirement, a lot of knowledge and preparation to become a prospective entrepreneur both in terms of psychology, health, and finance, we are very grateful to Primakelola IPB who has facilitated the pre-service training.


This training is very useful for preparation for professional transfer, hopefully next time we meet 5 or 10 years later we will become successful entrepreneurs, and we are also very impressed by the Primakelola Team, very Professional and we highly recommend, Thank you.


Optimizing every business potential