[:id]Sesi 4 : Teknis Produksi
Waktu : 13:30-15:30
Sesi ke 4, dengan tema: Teknis Produksi pada Program Virtual Pelatihan & Pendampingan UMKM, Kerjasama Bank Syariah Mandiri dengan Prima Kelola IPB.
Dua kelas parallel, telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2020 dengan trainer Ibu Rinrin Jamrianti dan Bpk Yoyok Indrayatno
Untuk informasi program dan kegiatan selanjutnya, kunjungi kami di sosial media yaa #SobatPrima..
[:en]Session 4: Production Technical
Time: 1:30 pm-3:30pm
The fourth session, with the theme: Production Technique in the Virtual Training & Mentoring Program for MSMEs, Cooperation between Bank Syariah Mandiri and Prima Kelola IPB.
Two parallel classes, were held on October 15, 2020 with trainers Mrs. Rinrin Jamrianti and Bpk Yoyok Indrayatno
For further program and activity information, visit us on social media, #BrotherPrima ..